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Body and Brains Oh My!

Looking in the mirror and I like what I see…that’s one of the reasons I keep pushing. I push past the pain because I know the results will be epic. Lifestyle choices that make your life better?! Sounds good to me! 

So we all know that exercise is good for you. But, have you ever given any real thought to what it does to your brain? 

Exercise promotes the growth of neurons, so people who exercise tend to be able to handle stress better. The deep part of the brain responsible for learning and memory seems to be activated during physical activity. A person who lives a less active lifestyle consists of younger neurons. Younger neurons, are by nature, easily excitable, and ‘fire’ easily when confronted with a minor stressor. This can make situations, decisions and even thoughts appear more stressful, and make us feel more anxious than they should. Less stress! Yes, sign me up please! 

Exercise affects the brain in many ways. It increases heart rate, which pumps more oxygen to the brain. It aids the release of hormones which provide an excellent environment for the growth of brain cells. Exercise promotes brain plasticity by stimulating growth of new connections between cells in many important areas of the brain. So not only will I be hotter…I’ll be smarter too?!? Sounds like a no brainer to me..but in case you need another reason to workout…here’s a pretty good one…

As with any form of physical activity, being in good shape helps you perform at your best. Regular exercise significantly enhanced frequency of various intimate activities, the reliability of adequate functioning during sex, and percentage of satisfying orgasms! Exercise increases sexual arousal in women. Exercise affects your sex life by helping sexual performance. Participating and maintaining a regular exercise regimen can enhance sexual performance and sexual satisfaction, which can ultimately lead to a better sex life! Say hello to more orgasms ladies! Now that’s a reason to hit the gym.

Also working out increases blood circulation…

Do you know what the scientific definition of an erection is? Well..During sexual arousal, nerve messages begin to stimulate the penis. Impulses from the brain and local nerves cause the muscles to relax, allowing blood to flow in. This expands the penis and creates an erection. So the chances of men who workout on a normal basis having regular erections vs men who don’t workout..well..let’s just say I like a man that stays active! 

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